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Woohoo Natural Deodorant Paste Sample Pack
from $11.55 $16.50Find your favourite scent with our deodorant paste sample pack.
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Skin Concern
We love sweating. All the best things in life make you sweaty, and it’s so good for you in so many ways. Sweating is actually a really complex bodily function that helps keep your body temperature regulated and keep you healthy. Who would’ve thought!?
As you age, there are many delightful surprises that await you in your golden years. Wisdom, for one. Lovely laughter lines. Plenty of experiences to be had. And a few decades of memories (some glorious, some not-so-glorious). To keep you glowing, here are a few fun steps to keep wise skin in check.
Can your mood really affect your skin?
The answer - we believe - is a big, fat YES.
(And vice-versa too… your skin can affect your mood big time! We’ve both had our fair share of skin battles Aaron’s eczema and Phoebe’s acne - so we’re all over this one.)
WHOA. Being a teenager in the 70, 80s and 90s was way more straightforward than today (anyone remember trying to keep your Tamagotchi alive!?). Teens and tweens are being bombarded by unrealistic images of perfection thanks to social media and, er, Kylie Jenner and have become slaves to their screens.
Do you always get pimples on your chin? Or maybe acne always seems to crop up on your cheeks and your t-zone? Your breakouts might be trying to tell you something!