The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

We’ve been quietly watching so many brands over the last 10 years making wonderful claims about their palm free products, thinking to ourselves that their claims surely weren’t 100% truthful. We’ve always been upfront and honest with our happy community about palm oil. Because creating a range that’s all natural, 100% vegan, and 100% palm oil free is near impossible. We know this because we’ve tried! But the good news is that more palm free products are on the horizon.

  • 4 min read

I *used* to think that someone who runs a skincare company isn’t meant to get massive breakouts. I felt super self-conscious of my skin. It felt like everyone I bumped into was staring at my blemishes thinking “Gosh, her skin is shocking”. But you know what? I’ve changed my mind.

Not long ago we made a decision to ditch the words anti-wrinkle, anti-ageing, anti-sagging: and alllll the counter-attacking yucky terminology that often comes with the beauty industry. In its place, we started talking about something we’ve always been passionate about - ‘pro-ageing’.
  • 3 min read

The secret to a routine that’s going to make your skin happy can often come down to a “less is more” approach. If you over-do it your skin will feel ho-hum. Here’s our guide to how often you should be doing all your skin things - from exfoliating to facials - to make your skin strong, clear and bright.

Getting older is an interesting thing. We've been brainwashed to fear the slightest changes in our complexions: a wrinkle here, a laugh line there, a smattering of sun spots.

And yet with age comes sooooo much good stuff: wisdom, comfort in your own skin, and the oh-so-coveted ability to give fewer damns. If you ask us, that sounds pretty great.

  • 4 min read
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a pretty fancy name, but to put it simply it’s really just a large sugar molecule (i.e. a natural polysaccharide) that looks a bit gooey and sticky. It plays a really important role in moisturising your skin, keeping it healthy and hydrated. 
Phoebe here! Today’s email is a bit of a cathartic outpouring from me - I’m not quite sure whether I’ve written it for you or for me, but I hope it helps both of us, even if it’s in some small way. The thing is - this year I’ve lost some of my mojo and here's my action plan to get it back.
  • 7 min read
There are a select few ingredients in the skincare world that have cult status. They’ve transcended the fads and seasonal trends and are now the cornerstones of many skincare routines (maybe even yours!). One of these classics is Vitamin C.
  • 4 min read
If you’ve ever researched or purchased a skincare product that’s targeted at “anti-ageing”1 you’ve probably heard the words “skin renewal” bandied about. It sounds impressive, so surely a product with skin renewal benefits is good, right? Well, yes, it usually is. But not always. 
Years ago, if someone told you to smear oil all over your face, you would have looked at them in horror. But sometime over the past few years, face oils have managed to shrug off their bad rap as pore-clogging, acne-causing “don'ts” to being recognised as an instant way to get fresh, dewy skin.
  • 5 min read
Your skin barrier is a super complex ecosystem of lipids, acids, proteins and cells. But there is one part that’s just as important which is often overlooked - your skin's microbiome!
The cosmetics industry is far from perfect, and (according to us), packaging is its biggest shortcoming. The unfortunate truth though is that there’s no perfect cosmetic packaging out there for skincare products like ours, and regardless of the packaging we use we’re always going to have an impact on the Earth. It’s just up to us to minimise that impact.
