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The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

We totally get that sometimes you just want to snap your fingers and make blemishes and acne. Unfortunately, we can't do that (yet), but rather than using old-fashioned methods which simply dry out your skin, try this natural acne routine that will work wonders to reduce the appearance of your blemishes, stat.
There’s no making friends with a pimple that pulsates while you sleep, throbs when you smile, then disappears three months later, leaving behind a red or brown mark that takes forever to fade. They're deeper, meaner, and a real challenge to evict. Use these tips to help show cystic acne the ex-zit door.
The team at Woohoo HQ has carefully curated this A to Z guide on acne causes, prevention, and treatment options. Not to mention the crème de la crème of natural skincare products, lifestyle adjustments, and vital ingredients to make your skin feel loved and cherished.
It’s no secret that zero actual humans have the poreless, perfect skin portrayed in airbrushed ads and flawless Instagram accounts. In fact, in recent years, a little something called the ‘skin positivity movement’ is helping us rethink the way we talk about and treat our skin.

Acne scars can hang about for a very looooong time. But it’s not all doom and gloom. You can reduce the appearance of acne scars with some skincare know-how, a whole lotta’ lurve and some patience. Look for products high in Vitamins C and B3, bio-retinols, AHAs, BHAs and hyaluronic acid to help heal your acne scars.

It may be just us but it seems as though the skincare world has gotten lazy when it comes to products that help blemishes (pimples and acne, that is). Even though there are thousands of products, most use the same rather harsh ingredient: Benzyl Peroxide. Or if you want a natural option: Tea Tree Oil. Yawn!

I *used* to think that someone who runs a skincare company isn’t meant to get massive breakouts. I felt super self-conscious of my skin. It felt like everyone I bumped into was staring at my blemishes thinking “Gosh, her skin is shocking”. But you know what? I’ve changed my mind.

Soothes! Detoxifies! Balances! Nourishes! Leaves skin perfectly clear! Will even help you complete that tricky puzzle! When it comes to being a bit of a superhero, turmeric really is king. We’ve known for yonks that it’s a superfood, but now turmeric is making waves in the beauty world.

Congested skin… the buddy ol’ pal that’s overstayed his welcome. Bumps. Lumps. Rough patches. Dry flaky bits. Zits bigger than Mt. Everest. Yep… they can be a real pain in the cahoonas.  So how can you officially give congested skin the fick for good?

Do you always get pimples on your chin? Or maybe acne always seems to crop up on your cheeks and your t-zone? Your breakouts might be trying to tell you something!

The thing is, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all serum. A serum is where you get a chance to deliver an absolute bucket load of active and beneficial ingredients to your skin. Since your skin is unique, you need a serum that helps your unique skin concerns.

If you’re human and breathing, chances are you’ve experienced blocked pores, here and there during your earthly journey. Yep, hell hath no fury like blocked pores after a thick coating of makeup or sunscreen or after the ultimate sugar pig out. And we're here to bust some of the biggest pore and clean skin myths.
