The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

Our woo-tastic team knows (and loves) Woohoo better than anyone! We’ve asked them to spill the beans on the products they can't live without.
  • 3 min read

Pimples can be a real bummer. From bashful teen years to full-blown adulthood— these little face volcanoes don’t discriminate. Even worse? That dreadful feeling when you know a pimple is brewing, ready to make its red, swollen debut at the worst possible time… like the day of your big presentation or right before a hot date. (Seriously, can these things read calendars?)

  • 4 min read
Have you ever noticed small, white bumps on your face that seem to pop up out of nowhere and refuse to budge no matter how many times you wash your face or *gasp* try to pop them? Say hello to milia, your skin’s quirky little residents.
  • 3 min read

Natural deodorant - one of those beautiful inventions of modern life that we (thankfully) can't seem to live without. But not all natural deodorant is created equal. And with all the hype comes a lot of misconceptions. So, let‘s clear a few things up about sweating and natural deodorant, shall we?

  • 4 min read
How much do you know about recycling? From where we’re sitting in Newcastle NSW, we see a lot of shortfalls in our recycling systems, and we wanted to take a moment this Earth Month to share a few tips and tidbits about recycling. Generally speaking, the recycling systems in Australia leave a lot to be desired.
  • 4 min read
If you down a glass of OJ on the regular, or like to load up on green, leafy veggies, chances are it's because you know all the fabulous things a daily dose of Vitamin C can do for your health. Well, the same goes for your skin.
  • 5 min read

Ever wondered what it's like to work at Woohoo... especially during the silly season!?

Step right up for the grand tour and see how your Woohoo Wonders are whipped up, wrapped up, and sent on their way to you from our fun-filled factory 🤩.

  • 2 min read

Here’s a real mind blower: did you know that recycling just ONE aluminium tube saves enough energy to power a TV for 3 hours? This is because producing recycled aluminium consumes only 5% of the energy used to make new aluminium. In fact, aluminium is one of the most recyclable materials out there. It can be recycled infinitely without degrading its quality. 

  • 2 min read
Ever found yourself in the beauty aisle, navigating a maze of labels? Among the buzzwords you might have encountered are 'fragrance-free' and 'unscented'. While they seem to pop up frequently on products geared toward sensitive skin, these two terms are not one and the same.

In a nutshell: 'hydration' is like giving your skin a big gulp of water, transforming it into a plump and radiant version of itself. 'Moisturising,' on the other hand, is like putting a lid on that big gulp to ensure none of that juicy hydration escapes. Both are essential steps for flaunting a healthy, glowier complexion. 

Dealing with thigh-rubbing, boob-sweating, blistering-feet misery? Sounds like you might have a case of chafing. Which is basically when your skin and sweat team up to create an itchy, red rash that's about as fun as wearing thick wool undies on a hot day. Ouch! 
  • 3 min read
