How to unclog your pores without spending a cent

  • 3 min read

Be honest – we know you’ve seen morning TV and have heard all about the amazing powers of the steam mop. You’re not alone – we have been sucked in by the infomercials a few times because of the “clean without chemicals” promise.

After watching one ad recently it reminded us that it’s not only the kitchen floors that can benefit from the ‘cleaning power’ of steam.

Steam is a great way to pamper yourself and give your skin a deep cleanse. It is especially great for oily / acne prone skin.

Have you ever sat over a bowl of hot water with eucalyptus oil with a towel over head trying to clear an blocked nose? If you haven’t you should try it next time you have a blocked nose because it works.

But steam does more than clear your blocked nose. The steam also cleanses and clears your pores. If you have oily skin and prone to breakouts this is music to your ears. Steaming is also amazing even if you don’t have oily skin because it will reinvigorate you and your skin.

The simplicity of steaming is surreal. You don’t need any expensive ingredients or fancy equipment. A kettle, bowl and towel and you can treat yourself to a facial.

In 4 easy steps you can show your skin some love and experience results that people pay thousands of dollars for.

So here are 4 easy steps for adorable skin. Most likely you have everything already which is good for the purse strings.

For all 4 steps we recommend using filtered water for best results instead of water from the tap. The cleaner the water the better. Boiled water that has cooled to room temperature is the next best thing to filtered water.


Step 1: Start by getting your skin ready by cleansing and exfoliating.

This can be done at the same time. Mix 2 tsp of Bicarb soda with 2 tsp of water into a paste. Rub very gently over your face in small circles for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Rinse well and pat dry

You can use your favourite exfoliating scrub if you prefer.

Step 2: Steam

Boil 1 litre of water and put it in a bowl. Add 3 tbs of dried herbs or 2-3 drops of essential oil. You can use dried herbs like oregano, thyme or rosemary. Even the Italian herb mix works. Rosemary does wonders for clearing clogged pores. If essential oils are more your thing then tea tree, lavender or eucalyptus are worthy choices.

Just like you would do if you had a blocked nose, sit down and with a towel over your head place your face over the bowl allowing the steam to kiss your face.

Relax and enjoy the aroma for 5 – 10mins

When finished pat your face gently with a soft dry cloth.

Step 3: Time to get sweet and sticky with a pure honey mask

Apply honey all over your face. If you have Manuka honey that is great but not necessary. Plain old yellow box or iron bark honey still has the amazing properties we are after.
Now sit back and enjoy a good book for the next 10 – 15 mins while the magic to happens.

A little shameless plug – Our new “Pig In Mud” Mask is ideal for this.

Wipe honey off with a cloth soaked in hand hot water and then pat your face dry with a soft cloth

Step 4: Moisturise with your favourite cream or oil

Be sure that you moisturise really well because your skin will need it.

Another shameless plug. If you have normal to dry skin the Anti Ageing & Repair Cream is a real winner for moisturising after a steam.

All that’s left to do now is enjoy your super soft glowing skin and the thousands of compliments that will fly your way.
