Have We Found Australia’s Best Husband Whisperer?

  • 1 min read

Jayne H from St Helens in Tasmania gets the prize this week for her ‘against the odds’ achievement. Jayne (through her self-confessed nagging) has broken through the Aussie male façade! Her lovely husband has finally cracked and now understands the need to take care of his skin.

Jayne’s husband may not be a fully-fledged metro sexual but I think he shocked Jayne when he told her that UVA rays are Ageing and UVB rays are Burning. Jayne felt like a proud parent.

Now I am not too sure about the method (nagging) but the result is fantastic. For Jayne’s husband’s sake let’s just hope Jayne uses her male influencing powers for good and not evil

This week’s Face of the Week was a little light hearted and we hope it put a smile on your dial.

Until next week be happy!

Aaron and Phoebe

P.S if you want to be a ‘Face of the Week’ contender email us a proud achievement at contact@happyskincare.com.au


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