A Reminder About the Importance of a Smile

  • 2 min read

Hello! This week Sussi M is our Face of the Week.

To say Sussi has had her fair share of sadness is an understatement. I am not going to go into the tragedies suffered by Sussi and her family because it is a very personal story and I would rather tell everyone of the positive view Sussi has on life.

Sussi (or Aunty Delicious to her nieces and nephews) has a faith that gives her a resolve I cannot put into words. Sussi’s faith in Angels provides her with strength to live each day with the intent to be joyful. She lives with love and a positive attitude that allows her to keep the spirit of those she has lost alive.

The picture is not of Sussi but it is a symbol of her faith and what gives her strength to live life with love and joy.

The following is an extract from the letter Sussi sent to us and describes why we think she is truly a remarkable person:

‘I try each day to say or do something to bring a smile to a strangers face. I realise that we never know what another person has to carry. I know myself that at times it has been as simple as a smile from a stranger that has made me feel that I can make it through another day. I smile as often as I can even if I am having a sad day and it almost always is returned.’

The importance of a smile or even a friendly hello cannot be under estimated!

Thanks for spreading the love Sussi!

Until next week be happy and give a stranger a smile.

Aaron and Phoebe

P.S if you want to be a ‘Face of the Week’ contender email us a proud achievement at contact@happyskincare.com.au and if you are selected we will send you a free jar of Woohoo Skincare Anti-Ageing and Repair Cream.
