Here at Woohoo we feel an ENORMOUS responsibility as a brand that our impact on the Earth is not a negative one. We don’t even want a neutral impact. We want to make this place better, happier, healthier for everyone.
While we've gone to lots of effort to remove as much plastic from our packaging as possible, we do still use plastic for our (optional) pumps and sprayers.
These plastic pumps and sprayers are re-usable and we encourage you to only include them on your 1st purchase of a Woohoo product, then to use our larger sized refills for your subsequent orders.
But - eventually - your pump or sprayer will most likely wear out and break, and when that does happen, we want to make sure your pump/sprayer is recycled properly and doesn't end up in landfill.
Most local councils don't have the facilities to recycle pumps and sprayers, and that's why we've created our Woohoo Recycling Program. To stop those hard-to-recycle items from ending up in landfill.
Want free products?
Collect your hard-to-recycle product packaging (pumps, droppers and sprayers) and send them to us.
5 Recyclables = 300 Reward Points
In return for 5+ qualifying recyclables we receive, you’ll earn 300 Woohoo Crew Reward Points which you can trade in for freebies with your next order (conditions apply).
Nice, right? Click here to find out more about Reward Points and our Woohoo Crew Rewards Program.

What can I recycle?
The very clever folk at Terracycle are focused on recycling the un-recyclable, so anything that's accepted in your kerbside recycling program is not able to be recycled with us.
Please check the list below for details on which items you can return to us - remember we're looking for hard-to-recycle plastic personal care and cosmetics packaging from Woohoo Body, as unfortunately we can't cover the cost of recycling packaging from other companies.
Items to send (yay!):
✔️ Pumps
✔️ Sprays/triggers
✔️ Droppers
Items NOT to send (these can all be recycled at your kerbside with local councils) :
❌ Aluminium bottles
❌ Aluminium tubes
❌ Plastic tube lids
❌ Cardboard packaging
❌ Glass
❌ Tins
Ready to Recycle?
Get your goodies packed up and click the button below to send us the details of your recycling!
Woohoo Crew Recycling Program Terms and Conditions
Your used packaging must be clean or well scraped out.
We can accept the packaging from personal care items and cosmetics shown in the diagram above.
You are responsible for shipping costs to Woohoo Crew Recycling Program, 12/75 Bailey Street, Adamstown NSW, 2289 AUSTRALIA.
This offer is open to Australian residents only.
You must let us know about deliveries before they arrive at our warehouse by completing the online form in which you let us know which product is your preferred free product.
Refer to the "What can I recycle?" guidelines to make sure your products can be returned to Terracycle. We're unable to accept products that don't meet these guidelines.
If you send us 5 or more recyclable products and create a Woohoo Rewards Program account on our website, we will add 300 Points to your rewards account upon receiving the delivery.
Your 300 Points can be used to trade in for free products, and each product will differ in how many points are required. You can use your existing points balance to increase your available free product options.
There is a limit of 300 Points issued per customer per calendar month as a part of this program.
When you use Woohoo Crew Points to redeem free product(s), there's a limit of 1 of each product per order, but your order may contain multiple free products of different types.
When you use Woohoo Crew Points to redeem free product(s), your order must also include at least 1 paid product.
Your Points must be used within 12 months.
Packages must be clearly marked with sender's name (this should match the name you told us in the online form).
We are not responsible for any packages lost or missing during transit.
These terms and conditions are subject to change.
THANK YOU for caring so much about the Earth and helping us create positive change.